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German Shorthaired Pointer

GENERAL APPEARANCE L : It is an aristocratic and harmonious dog, with a conformation that guarantees resistance, strength and speed. The proud posture, the softness of its silhouette, the dry head, the well carried tail, the very fair skin and the very shiny coat, its harmonious movement emphasize its nobility.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS :  The length of the body is slightly greater than the height at the withers.


BEHAVIOR  AND  TEMPERAMENT:  Firm, balanced, reliable; controlled temper; not nervous, not shy or aggressive.


HEAD :  Dry, well chiseled, neither too light nor too heavy; length and robustness determine the substance and sex of the specimen.



skull :  Moderately wide, slightly arched, occipital not very pronounced, with the sagittal groove not too deep and the superciliary arches evident.


Stop:  Moderately defined.



Truffle :  Slightly protrusion. Nostrils sufficiently wide, wide and mobile. Basically brown, however, it should be black in black dogs or black roan. Only dogs with a white base color are allowed a flesh-colored or spotted truffle.

Muzzle :
  Long, wide, deep and robust to facilitate the dog to carry the game correctly The nose bridge, seen in profile, shows a slight curvature for an aristocratic Roman nose, but very smooth or a subtle elevation of the straight line, more prominent in males. A straight nose bridge is acceptable, but a dish faced nose bridge is considered a serious fault.

lips :  Well-fitting, without being too pendant, with good pigmentation. The nasolabial line is slightly sloping, almost vertical, and continues in a wide curve to the moderately pronounced labial commissure.

Jaws and Teeth :  Robust jaws with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite. The upper incisors must pass over touching the lower ones from the front without any space and must be set squarely to the jaws. There are 42 teeth according to the dental formula.

cheeks :  Robust and well muscled.

eyes :  Medium in size, set on the plane of the skin. The ideal color is dark brown. Eyelids well adjusted.

Ears :  Moderately long, moderately thick, wide, set high. Carried down close to the cheeks, without folds, rounded at the ends, neither too fleshy nor too thin. When brought forward, they should reach more or less to the corners of the mouth.

NECK :  Length in harmony with general appearance, gradually widening towards the torso, very muscular and slightly arched. Throat skin tight (no dewlap).


Top Line:  Straight and slightly descending.

Withers : Well defined.


Back : Firm and well muscled. The vertebrae should be well covered by muscle.


Loin : Short, broad, muscular, straight or slightly arched. The passage from the back to the loin must be firm, without interruptions.


Croup : Broad and rather long, not falling sharply, but falling slightly towards the set-on of the tail, well muscled.


Chest : Deeper rather than broad, with well-defined forechest, with the sternum reaching as far back as possible. The sternum and elbows should be at the same height. Ribs well sprung, neither flat nor barrel-shaped. The false ribs way down.


Bottom Line : Elegantly arched, tucked up behind, dry.

TAIL: Set on high, thick at the root and tapering to the tip, of medium length. Amputated in half for hunting purposes. At rest carried pendulous, in movement carried horizontally, not too high nor extremely curved. In countries where tailectomy is prohibited by law, the tail remains intact, reaching hock level and carried straight or slightly sabre.




FOREQUARTERS : Seen from the front, straight and parallel; seen in profile, the limbs are situated well below the body.


Shoulders : Scapula well placed back, well adjusted to the thorax and with strong and dry muscles. Scapulohumeral joint well angulated.


Arms : As long as possible, muscular and dry.


Elbows : Tightly fitted to the body, but not too tight, and set well back.


Forearms : Straight and sufficiently muscular. Good bone, without being coarse

Carpals : Strong.


Metacarpals : Minimal angulation with the forearm. Never steep.


Feet : From round to oval, with very compact and properly arched toes. Strong nails. Thick, strong pads. Parallel paws, turning neither in nor out, when standing or moving.


HINDQUARTERS : Viewed from behind, straight and parallel. Knees and hocks well bent, good bone. Thighs: Long, broad and muscular. Coxofemoral joint well angulated.


Knees : Strong, well bent.


Legs : Long, muscular with tendons clearly visible. Good angulation between leg and hock.


Hocks : Strong.


Metatarsals : Strong and vertical.


Feet : Identical to the forefeet.

GAIT /MOVEMENT : Broad strides, with good propulsion from the hindquarters and good reach from the forequarters. Front and rear working in parallel planes. Moves in a proud attitude. Unwanted camel step.


SKIN : Well adjusted to the body and tight, without wrinkles.


  • COAT


Hair : Short and dense, rough and hard to the touch. Slightly thinner and shorter on the head and ears, insignificantly longer under the tail. It must cover the entire body.




  1. Brown: Solid without stains.

  2. Brown with small white spots or speckles on the chest and limbs.

  3. Roan, dark brown with brown head, spots or speckles of brown. The basic color of such a dog is not brown mixed with white or white mixed with brown, but the coat presents such an intense mixture of brown and white that the result is a discreet, camouflaged coat, much appreciated for hunting. The color is lighter on the inside of the hindquarters and on the tip of the tail.

  4. Light brown roan: Brown head, brown spots or speckles, or no spots. In this coloration the brown hairs are in smaller quantity, the white hairs are predominant.

  5. White with brown spots on the head: Brown spots or mottled.

  6. Black with the same nuances as brown, respectively, the colors brown and roan.

  7. Yellow spots are acceptable.

  8. A spot that runs from the muzzle to the skull passing between the eyes; speckled or mottled lips are allowed.


SIZE : Males: 62 to 66 cm.

            Females: 58 to 63 cm.

  • FAULTS  


Any deviation from the terms of this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well being of the dog.

• Attitudes in disagreement or sexual atypicality.

• Muzzle too short.

• Lips that are too thick or too thin.

• Out of the total of 4 PM 1 and 2 M3 only 2 missing teeth are acceptable.

• Ears too long, too short, too heavy, or too narrow or bent.

• Very light eyes. Hawk eyes, yellow.

• Dewlaps.

• Light back carpping.

• Croup too short.

• Very deep chest.

• Tail too curved or carried too high above the backline.

• Elbows out or in. Feet turned out or in, forelegs too far apart or too close together.

• Very straight hindquarters.

• Slightly barrel-shaped hindquarters, cow hocks or jointed hocks.



• Stocky, slender or coarse structure.

• Stop marked.

• Pink nose (except for specimens whose base coat color is white).

• Pointed muzzle, concave nasal bridge (dish faced).

• Pincer biting or partial pincer biting (for dogs over 4 years old, the so-called pincer biting should not be taken into account in the judgment, provided it has been  approved by an expert judge the correct bite in previous exposures).

• Carped back, or slightly sealed.

• Significant lack of chest depth.

• Poorly developed forechest, flat or barrel ribs.

• Deviation of the elbows out or in.

• Broken or weak pasterns.

• Fully vertical pasterns.

• Barrel or cow hocks, in motion or at rest.

• Oversized hindquarters.

• Flat paws.

• Open fingers.

• Heavy handling.

• Deviation of more than 2 cm above or below the height limits at the withers.



• Aggressiveness or excessive shyness.

• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.

• Significant deviation from the sexual definition.

• Absence of more than 2 teeth from the total of 4 PM1 and 2 M3. Absence of 1 or more teeth other than PMl or M3. 

• Upper or lower prognathism, jaw twist, as well as intermediate degrees.

• Any extra teeth outside the dental arch.

• Cleft lip or cleft palate.

• Excessively lax eyelids, ectropion, entropion, distichiasis (two rows of eyelashes, one or both of which turn towards the eyeball).

• Very sealed back, malformation of the spine.

• Any malformation of the chest, ie short sternum rising abruptly to the belly.

• Ergos with or without bones.

• Weak character.



• Males must present both testicles, of normal appearance, well let down and accommodated in the scrotum.

• Only clinically and functionally healthy dogs with typical breed conformation should be used for breeding.

International Recognition:


non-profit entity

CNPJ 26.249.262/0001-88


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