HISTORICAL SUMMARY: The Dachshund, also called Dackel or Dackel, has been known since the Middle Ages. At that time, many descendants of Bracos were bred, which were especially good for hunting underground. From these short-legged dogs evolved the Dachshund, which has been recognized as one of the most versatile and useful hunting breeds. He also shows exceptional work on the land, hunting silently, in addition, he has a high instinct for searching by following injured animals. For decades, the Dachshund has been bred in 3 different sizes (Standard Dachshund, Dwarf Dachshund and Kaninchen) and in 3 different coats (Short, Hard and Longhair).
Country of Origin: Germany
GENERAL APPEARANCE L : Low; short-legged; long but compact; well muscled; with a proud attitude; head and attentive expression. The general appearance is typical of your gender. Despite the short legs in relation to the long body, it is very lively and agile.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : With a distance from the ground of plus or minus one third of the height at the withers, the length of the body should be in a harmonious relationship with the height at the withers of plus or minus 1 to 1.7, up to 1.8.
BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT : Friendly by nature, neither nervous nor aggressive, even-tempered. He is a passionate, persevering, fast hunting dog with an excellent nose.
HEAD : Elongated, viewed from above and in profile. Gradually tapering to the nose, but never pointed. Superciliary arches clearly defined. Long and narrow nose bridge.
skull : Flat, gradually merging with a slightly arched nasal bridge
Stop : little marked
Nose : Well developed.
Muzzle: Long, sufficiently broad and strong. It can be opened wide up to the insertion of the eyes.
lips : Very adherent, covering the jaw well.
Jaws and Teeth : Upper and lower jaws well developed. Scissor bite tightly closed. The ideal is 42 teeth according to the dental formula, with strong canines fitted between them.
eyes : Medium size, oval, wide apart, with an energetic yet friendly expression. Not penetrating. Bright color, from dark reddish brown to blackish brown in all coat colors. Porcelain eyes, fish eyes, or pearls on marbled dogs are not desirable, but can be tolerated.
Ears : Set high, not too far forward. Long enough, but not overdone. rounded; not narrow, pointed or bent; with the front edges very close to the cheeks.
NECK : Long enough, muscular. Throat skin well adherent. Slightly arched, free and carried high.
Topline: Blending harmoniously from the nape of the neck to the slightly sloping croup.
Withers: Pronounced
Back: After the withers, which is high, it is straight or slightly sloping back. Firm and well muscled.
chest : Sternum well developed and so prominent as to form a slight depression (soap dish) on each side. Viewed from the front, the rib cage is oval; viewed from above and in profile, it is large enough to house the well-developed heart and lungs. Ribs placed well back. The lowest point of the chest, seen in profile, is hidden when the forelimbs are properly proportioned.
Bottom Line : Slightly tucked up.
TAIL: Set not too high, carried along the line of the back. A slight curve in the last third of the tail is allowed.
PREVIOUS : Strongly muscled, well angulated. Seen from the front, forelegs dry, straight, well-boned; with paws facing forward.
Shoulders : Flexible muscles. Long, sloping shoulder blades, firmly attached to the rib cage
Forearm: The same length as the scapula, forming an almost right angle with it. Strong boned and well muscled; close to the elbows, but free to move.
Elbows : Not turned either in or out.
Arms: Short, yet long enough that the length of the dog to the ground is about 1/3 of the height at the withers. As straight as possible.
Carpals: The carpals are slightly closer together than the shoulders.
Metacarpals : Viewed in profile, they should not appear straight or leaning too far forward.
Paws : Fingers very closed, well arched, with strong, resistant and well filled pads; short, strong nails. The fifth finger has no function, but it should not be removed.
HINDQUARTERS : Well muscled, well proportioned to the forelegs. Knees and hocks very well bent. Hind legs parallel, neither too close nor too far apart.
Thighs: Of good length and well muscled.
Knees : Broad and strong and very well angled.
Paws : Four toes tightly closed and well arched, stepping fully on their strong pads.
DRIVE : It should cover the ground well. It is fluent and energetic, with forward strides without lifting too much, and the movement of the hindquarters should impart a slight elasticity to the line of the back. The tail can be carried in a harmonious extension with the line of the back, slightly inclined. In movement, anteriors and posteriors are parallel.
SKIN: Well adherent.
By : Short, dense, shiny, set, tight and rough. Not showing hairless areas.
TAIL : Thin, full, but not abundantly covered. Slightly longer hair on the underside of the tail is not a defect.
Unicolor: Red, reddish yellow, yellow, all with or without interspersed black hairs. Solid color is preferable and red is better than reddish yellow or yellow. Dogs with lots of black streaks are also classified as solid colors and not other colors. White is not desired, but a few small blemishes do not disqualify. Truffle and black nails. Reddish brown is also allowed, but not desired.
Bicolor: Deep black or brown with rust (brown) or yellow spots over the eyes, on the sides of the muzzle, going down to the jaw, inside the ears, on the forechest, on the inner and rear parts of the hindquarters, on the feet, in the region of the anus and on the proximal third of the ventral surface of the tail. Nose and nails black in black dogs, brown in brown dogs. White is not desired, but a few small blemishes do not disqualify. Very extensive brown or yellow marks are undesirable.
Harlequin (spotted brindle, spotted): The basic color is always the dark color (black, red, gray). Irregular gray or beige stains are desired (extensive stains are not desired). Neither the dark color nor the light color should be predominant. The Dachshund's color is red or yellow with dark stripes. The color of the truffle and nails is the same as that of solids and bicolors.
Fur: With the exception of the muzzle, eyebrows and ears, the coat should be of equal length over the entire body, well laid, dense, wiry, with an undercoat. The muzzle has a clearly defined beard. The eyebrows are thick. On the ears, the coat is shorter than on the body and almost smooth. Tail uniform and well provided with very adherent hairs.
COLOR: It predominates from the light to dark color of wild boar, as well as the color of dry leaves. Otherwise the same colors as described in the Shorthair Dachshund.
Coat: Silky and shiny, with undercoat clinging to the body; it gets longer under the neck and on the lower part of the body. On the ears, the hairs should go beyond their ends (fringed). Distinct fringes on the hind limbs. It reaches its greatest length at the bottom of the tail where it forms a legitimate fringe.
COLOR: The same as described in the Shorthair Dachshund
• Dachshund: Chest circumference above 35cm. Weight approximately 9 kg.
• Dwarf Dachshund (Zwerg): Chest circumference from 30 to 35 cm, measured at a minimum of 15 months.
• Kaninchen: Chest circumference up to 30 cm, aged at least 15 months.
Any deviation from the terms of this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well being of the dog. especially:
• M3 (Molar 3) is not penalized when judged. Missing 2 PM1 (premolar 1) is not penalized. The absence of PM2 should be penalized, as well as the lack of other teeth. The removal of its correct scissor bite.
• Weak constitution, wading or shuffling.
• The absence of teeth other than those described in the “faults” or “eliminatory faults”.
• Porcelain eyes on dogs of different colors than the harlequin.
• Ears pointed or very folded.
• Body slumped between shoulders.
• Sealed or plucked back.
• Weak loin.
• Croup higher than the withers.
• Very weak chest.
• Tucked up underline.
• Poorly angulated fore and hindquarters.
• Narrow hindquarter, not well muscled.
• Beef or barrel hock.
• Fingers facing in or out.
• Open paws.
• Heavy, waddling motion.
• Too fine hair, ears with hairless areas and other hairless areas.
• Coarse or long hair.
• Brush tail.
• Tail partly or entirely without fur.
• Black coat without any marks.
• Soft, short or long hair.
• Long, away from the body in all directions.
• Wavy or curly.
• Soft hair on the head.
• Fringes on the tail.
• Absence of beard.
• Absence of undercoat.
• Short hair.
• Long hair over the entire body.
• Wavy or ruffled.
• Absence of fringe on the tail.
• Lack of fringes on the ears.
• Short coat.
• Sharp hair division on the back.
• Very long hair between the toes.
• Very fearful or aggressive.
• Overshot or undershot, jaw twist.
• Poor positioning of teeth in the lower jaw.
• Missing 1 or more canines or incisors.
• Lack of other premolars or molars. Exceptions: 2 PM1, 1 PM2 without considering the M3 mentioned in the “fouls”.
• Sternum poorly developed.
• All tail defects.
• Shoulders too loose.
• Carpals facing forward.
• Black dogs without marks; white dogs, with or without marks.
• Other colors not listed in “Colors”.
• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.
• Males must have both testicles, of normal appearance, well let down and accommodated in the scrotum.
• Only clinically and functionally healthy dogs with typical breed conformation should be used for breeding.