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Practices designed to promote a good level of animal welfare often lead to improvements in husbandry:

• Monitoring of a veterinarian.

• Follow vaccination protocols.

• Good handling techniques and good conditions of hygiene and cleanliness for the development of the creation.

• The provision of adequate diets and clean water helps to maintain the health of the animals.

• Carry out exams to preserve diseases (such as hip dysplasia, CEA, among others) to provide greater longevity to dogs. Better care by breeders for their animals improves the potential for early diagnosis of disease, thereby increasing the possibility of effective intervention.

• Providing safe and comfortable environments. Provide adequate space to prevent overcrowding-related illness and death.

• Animals must not suffer from prolonged hunger.

• Animals must not suffer from prolonged thirst.

• Animals must be comfortable, especially in their resting areas.

• Animals must be in an environment with adequate temperature.

• Animals must have space to move freely.

• Animals must not suffer from pain resulting from improper handling.

• Animals must be able to display natural, friendly and social behaviors.

• Animals must be able to engage in other naturally desirable behaviors, such as exploration and play.

• Good interactions between humans and animals are beneficial to animal welfare.

• Animals must not experience negative emotions such as fear, stress and frustration.


International Recognition:


non-profit entity

CNPJ 26.249.262/0001-88


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