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HISTORICAL SUMMARY: It is said that the Beagle must have been bred from the great Foxhound to hunt with men on foot, preferably behind the hare. It is still used in packs, often organized by institutions, including universities and schools. An anxious and restless puppy, full of enthusiasm and vigor and always ready for any activity that involves him. Everything about the breed gives the impression of athleticism and there is no better sight than a pack of Beagle in full pursuit, their heads down sniffing, tails stiff up and focused on the chase.


Country of Origin: Great Britain


GENERAL APPEARANCE L :  A robust dog with a compact build that gives the impression of quality without being rude.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS :  The length of the head, between the occiput and the tip of the nose, divided by the stop, should be as similar as possible. The height of the elbows should be half the height at the withers.

BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT :  It is a happy dog whose essential function is to hunt the hare, following its trail. Courageous, with great activity, vigor and determination. Alert, intelligent and has a balanced temperament. Kind and vigilant, it shows neither aggression nor shyness.

HEAD :  Moderate length. Powerful without being rude. More refined in females, free from wrinkles or ruffles.


skull :  Slightly rounded; moderately broad, with a slight occipital ridge.

Stop :  Well defined, it divides the distance between the occiput and the tip of the nose as similarly as possible.


Truffle :  wide; preferably black, however, less pigmentation is allowed in lighter colored dogs. wide nostrils.

Muzzle :  Not pointy.

lips :  Reasonably developed.

Jaws and Teeth :  Jaws strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, ie upper teeth overlap lower teeth and set square to jaws.

eyes :  Dark brown or hazel, relatively large; neither deep nor prominent; well separated, with a sweet and pleading expression.

Ears :  Long, with rounded ends, which should reach the tip of the nose when stretched forward. Low set, fine texture, carried gracefully draped close to cheeks.

NECK :  Long enough to make trail sniffing easier; slightly arched and with a small dewlap.


Loin :  Strong and flexible.

chest :  Chest level below the elbow. Ribs well sprung and extending perfectly back.

TAIL:  Strong; of moderate length; high insertion; carried upright without bending over the back or leaning forward from the root. Well covered with hair, especially on the underside.




Shoulders :  Well angled, without being loaded.

Elbows :  Firm, turning neither out nor in.

Forearms :  Straight, vertical and straight below the body; with good substance and round bones, not tapering to the feet.

Metacarpals :  short.


Paws:  Compact and firm. Well-articulated fingers and heavily padded pads. It does not have hare feet. Short nails.


Knees :  Well angled.

Paws :  Compact and firm. Well-arched toes with strong pads. It does not have hare feet. Short nails.

DRIVE :  Firm back, with no sign of sway. Free passes with good reach from the forelegs, without high action from them. Hindquarters with strong thrust. It should not have a very closed movement in the back or a “rowing” movement, nor should it braid from the front.

  • COAT


By :  Short, dense and weather resistant.

  • COLOR:  Tricolor (black, brown and white); blue, white and brown; badger-colored spots; hare-colored spots; lemon colored spots; lemon and white; Red and white; brown and white; black and white; all white. With the exception of all white, the aforementioned colors can be found as mottled spots. The tail end should be white.


SIZE : 33 cm to 40  cm

  • FAULTS  


Any deviation from the terms of this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well being of the dog.


• Aggressiveness or excessive shyness.

• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.  



• Males must present both testicles, of normal appearance, well let down and accommodated in the scrotum.

• Only clinically and functionally healthy dogs with typical breed conformation should be used for breeding.

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