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Hardhaired German Pointer

GENERAL APPEARANCE L :  Pointing dog, noble in appearance, with an attentive expression and full of energy; with a rough coat that provides complete protection for the skin. His movement is powerful, has wide range, is fluent and harmonious.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : The length of the body and the height at the withers should be almost equal. The length of the body may exceed more than 3 centimeters from the height at the withers.


BEHAVIOR  AND  TEMPERAMENT:  Steady, controlled, balanced, no fear of hunting, no sensitivity to shooting; neither fearful nor aggressive.


HEAD :  Proportional to the sex and size of the dog. The upper lines of the skull and muzzle are slightly divergent.



skull :  Flat, moderately broad, only slightly rounded at the sides; clearly defined superciliary arches.


Stop:  Clearly defined.



Truffle :  Strongly pigmented according to coat color. nostrils wide open

Muzzle :
  Long, broad, strong and deep; slightly roman nose bridge

lips :  Thick, close fitting, not drooping; good pigmentation according to coat color.

Jaws and Teeth :  Well-developed teeth; strong jaws with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite (42 teeth according to the dental formula); the outer surface of the lower incisors touch the inner surface of the upper incisors with no space between them.

eyes :  As dark as possible, set close to the surface of the skin, lively and with an alert expression; well-fitting eyelids and well-pigmented edges.

Ears :  High set, medium size, wide and not curled.

NECK :  Moderately long, heavily muscled, slightly arched and dewlap


Top Line:  Straight and slightly descending.

Withers : Well defined.


Back : Firm and well muscled.

Loin : Short, broad, muscular, straight or slightly arched. The passage from the back to the loin must be firm, without interruptions.


Croup :  Long and broad, slightly sloping and well muscled.


chest :  Wide and deep with a well-defined chest and the sternum extended as far back as possible; ribs well sprung.


Bottom line :  Dry, elegantly arched and slightly tucked up.

TAIL:  In continuation with the topline, carried as horizontal as possible or slightly turned upwards, without being vertical, of moderate thickness. Appropriately amputated for hunting purpose. (In countries where docking of the tail is prohibited, the tail may remain intact. The entire tail must reach the hock and must be carried straight or slightly sabre).




PREVIOUS :  Seen from the front, straight and parallel; in profile, the limbs are well situated under the trunk. The distance from the elbow to the ground is more or less equal to the distance from the elbow to the withers.


Shoulders :  The shoulder blades are well angulated and strongly muscled. Scapulohumeral joint well angulated.


Arms : As long as possible, muscular and dry.


Elbows :  Working close to the chest and correctly facing forward. Well angulated radiohumeral joint.


Forearms :  Dry, straight and vertical; robust bone; metacarpal joint: strong.

Carpals : Strong.


Metacarpals :  Slightly projected forward.


Paws :  From oval to rounded, with compact fingers; well cushioned, firm, resistant and well pigmented. Positioned parallel and correctly facing forward, both standing and moving.


HINDQUARTERS :  Viewed from behind, straight and parallel. Knees and hocks well bent; strong bone.

Thighs :  Long, broad and muscular, with good hip angulation


Knees : Strong, well bent.


Legs : Long, muscular with tendons clearly visible. Good angulation between leg and hock.


Hocks : Strong.


Metatarsals : Strong and vertical.


Feet : Identical to the forefeet.

DRIVE :  : Good reach from the forequarters and good drive from the hindquarters. Forelegs and hindquarters straight and parallel. Proud attitude.


SKIN : Well adjusted to the body and tight, without wrinkles.


  • COAT


By :  Wire hair, hard, very well laid and dense. Outer coat 2 to 4 cm long; dense, impermeable undercoat. The silhouette should not be modified by the very long coat. Roughness and density are necessary to give the dog the best protection from the weather and injuries. The coat on the lower limbs, as well as on the chest and belly should be shorter, but dense. The coat on the head and ears should be shorter and denser at the same time, but by no means softer. Well defined eyebrows and a strong beard, not too long, but as rough as possible, emphasizing the energetic expression.




  1. Brown roan, with or without large spots.

  2. Black roan, with or without large spots.

  3. Brown with or without a white mark on the chest

  4. Light roan.

Other colors are not allowed.


SIZE :  Males: 61 to 68 cm.

            Females: 57 to 64 cm.

  • FAULTS  


Any deviation from the terms of this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well being of the dog.

• Short or narrow or pointed muzzle.

• Weak bite.

• Arched or charred back.

• Exaggerated physical constitution.

• Very droopy eyelids.

• Elbows out or in.

• Cow hocks, barrel legs or very close together, both standing and moving.

• Camel step, hopping or jerky movement.

• Sparse coat or lack of undercoat




• Aggressiveness or excessive shyness.

• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.

• Overshot or undershot, mandibular torsion, missing teeth, except PM1.

• Entropion, ectropion, different colored eyes.

• Congenitally bent or short tail.

• Lack of pigmentation.

• Lack of character, fear of hunting and especially fear of shooting.

• Aggressiveness, nervousness, fear-biter.



• Males must have both testicles, of normal appearance, well let down and accommodated in the scrotum.

• Only clinically and functionally healthy dogs with typical breed conformation should be used for breeding.


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