Exotic Bully
GENERAL APPEARANCE : A muscular dog, of medium to small size, of great strength, stability of temperament, very docile, with exotic characteristics, its appearance is that of a compact dog.
Personality: Companion, friendly and affectionate.
Energy Level : Moderately low, likes to play and stay close to owners.
Good with children: Yes.
Good with other dogs: Yes.
Grooming: it is not necessary.
Life expectancy : 6 to 10 years.
Bark Level: Bark when needed.
The Exotic Bully are the result of inserting bull-type dogs into the original American Bully, so that they could reduce their size and give them a more compact and bulldog appearance. There is no defined size or standard at the moment because the breed is in formation, and may have different sizes and weights.
Country of Origin: USA.
BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT: The exotic bully's temperament is confident, courageous and alert, very friendly and loving.
Skull : Wide, muscular torso and prominent shoulders.
Stop : Well defined.
Snout: wide and deep.
Nose: Broad nostrils with a vertical line running between them from the tip of the nose to the end of the upper lips. The nose is large and wide in relation to the muzzle.
Jaws and Teeth: Undershot bite or scissors. Undershot is ¾ or less. The jaw is moderately curved from front to back, large canine teeth. Atrophied or extracted teeth are not acceptable.
Lips: The lips are tight, the same color as the nose.
Expression: The expression is bright, alert and lively.
Eyes: The eyes are medium in size and almond shaped.
Ears : In pink, bud or tulip, with pink being preferred. Set high behind the skull. The ears are positioned as far away from the skull as possible. The size is small and medium.
NECK : D and medium length, wide and slightly arched. Less than or equal to the head where they meet and increase from that point to the shoulders.
Top Line: Wide and deep with a muscular chest.
Back: Strong back.
TAIL: An intact tail is preferred. The characteristic tail is often referred to as a crank or pump lever tail. Straight tails are also acceptable, and may have anuran tails.
Arms: They are broad, heavily muscled and have a separation between the shoulders.
Elbows: Elbows may be prominent due to height.
Feet: Medium in size and well arched and rounded (cat's paws). They are straight when viewed from the front.
Hocks: Moderate angulation.
Legs: Well muscled
Feet : Of medium size and well arched and rounded (cat's paws). They are straight when viewed from the front. The tail should reach the hocks or be a little shorter.
GAIT/MOVEMENT: Smooth, powerful, energetic and confident. The fore and hind limbs must move in the same plane.
Hair : Consists of soft hairs of varying diameters with dense hairs most notably around the neck and withers.
COLOR: All colors and color combinations are acceptable.
Moderately long, straight with a long mane, but not extending behind the shoulders, forming a cape around the neck. The top coat is coarse, with a softer undercoat. Fringing on the ears, on the back of the limbs, tail and fingers. The length and volume of the coat should not interfere with the dog's activities or hide the contour of the body.
SIZE: All sizes and weights are still accepted, the breed is in training .
Any deviation from this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well-being of the dog.
• Aggressiveness or excessive shyness.
• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.
• Total or partial depigmentation of the nose, lips and eyelids.
• Absence of one or more incisors or canines.
• Severe anatomical malformation.
• Males must present both testicles, of normal appearance, well let down and accommodated in the scrotum.
• Only clinically and functionally healthy dogs with typical breed conformation should be used for breeding.