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Brazilian Queue

GENERAL APPEARANCE: Typically Molossoid breed. Powerful bone structure, rectangular and compact figure, harmonious and proportional. It presents, allied to a muscular mass, great concentrated and easily perceptible agility. Females should exhibit well-pronounced femininity, clearly distinguishing themselves from males.

Personality:  Determined, brave and fierce.

Energy Level : Moderate.

Good with children:  Family members only.

Good with other dogs:  Yes.


Grooming:  Seasonal.

Life Expectancy : 09-11  years old.


Bark level:  Bark when necessary.


The origin of this canine is linked to the colonization of the country, when Europeans brought their working dogs here. However, as with other ancient breeds, the exact genetic origin of the Fila Brasileiro is unknown. The first theory about its origin speculated that through several crosses between three large English breeds, a Brazilian dog emerged that would have inherited the large and strong bone structure of the  English mastiffs , the loose fur and low ears of  bloodhounds  and the resistance of  old bulldogs . However, there are no facts to support this theory.  The theory considered more plausible and with more foundation is that the Brazilian Fila descends from large Portuguese and Spanish dogs - mainly from the  Mastín leonés (variety of  Spanish Mastiff ) and the  Castro Laboreiro Dog , among others — brought to the  Brazil  during the  Iberian Union .

The Brazilian Fila is still considered an anonymous character in the  history of Brazil  since the times of colonial Brazil, when it helped the colonizers in the conquest of territory, protecting the entourages of the  Girl Scouts  of attacks from  natives  and  jaguars  or  cougars ; helping in  herd protection  and even being used by colonists to recapture  slaves  fugitives.

Robust, it is described as an animal with an excellent nose, as well as a strong temperament, which requires the steady hand of experienced owners. Known for his intense aversion to strangers, he had his initial pattern modified to show a "less intimidating" face.  

Country of Origin: Brazil.


1. The muzzle is slightly shorter than the skull.

2. The length of the torso - measured from the point of the sternum to the point of the buttock - exceeds the height of the withers by 15%.

BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT:  Endowed with remarkable courage, determination and bravery. He is docile, obedient and extremely tolerant of children towards those in his house. Its fidelity is proverbial, insistently seeking the company of its owners. With a serene behavior, revealing security and self-confidence, it perfectly absorbs strange environments and noises. He is faithful to the guard of the property, also dedicating himself, by instinct, to the cattle and hunting of large animals. It is characterized by the aversion to strangers, being controlled handling particularly in the exhibition hall.


EXPRESSION: At rest it is calm, noble and secure. Never looks vacant or bored. In attention, his expression is one of determination, reflected in a steady and penetrating gaze.

  Big, heavy, massive, always in harmony with the trunk. Seen from above, the appearance is pear-shaped, inscribed on a trapeze. Viewed in profile, the skull and muzzle have an approximate ratio of 1:1, with the muzzle being slightly smaller than the skull.


skull :  In profile, it shows a smooth curve, from the stop to the occiput, which is well marked and prominent, especially in the pups. From the front, it is broad, broad, with a slightly arched topline. The lateral faces descend in a curve, almost vertical, narrowing towards the snout, without making a step.

Stop : Seen from the front, it is practically non-existent. Sagittal sulcus in smooth ascending to approximately halfway up the skull. Viewed in profile, it is low, sloping, and virtually formed by the highly developed brow ridges.



Snout:  Strong, wide, deep, always proportionate to the skull. Viewed from above, it is full under the eyes, narrowing, very slightly, to the middle, widening, also slightly, to the anterior curve. Viewed in profile, the topline is straight or slightly Roman, never ascending. The anterior line is almost perpendicular to the top line, with a slight depression just below the nose.

Truffle:  Nostrils black, wide, well developed, not occupying the entire width of the jaw.

Lips:  The upper lips, which are thick, pendulous, overlap the lower ones and follow a perfect curve, from the lower line of the muzzle, almost parallel to the upper, ending with the labial commissure always apparent. The lower lips are well fitted to the jaw, from the tip of the chin to the canines, loose from there to the back, with jagged edges. Muzzle of good depth at the root, without exceeding the length. In the occlusion of the lips, the labial rhyme is outlined in a deep, inverted “U” shape.

Jaws and Teeth:
  Scissor bite.  They are characterized by greater width in relation to height. They are strong and clear. The upper incisors, broad at the base and tapering at the tip. The canines are powerful, well set and wide apart.

Eyes: Medium to large in size, almond shaped and wide apart, medium to deep set; the color ranges from dark brown to yellowish, always according to the coat, preferably darker eyes. Due to the loose skin, many specimens have drooping eyelids, a detail that should not be considered a lack, as it increases the sad aspect of the typical look of the breed.

Ears : Large, thick, V-shaped. Wide at the base, narrowing at the rounded end. Slanted insertion, with the anterior edge higher than the posterior, on the most posterior part of the skull, at the level of the midline of the eyes, when at rest. When at attention, the base rises above the insert. Shutters dropped to the side or folded back, showing its interior.

NECK : Extraordinarily strong and muscular, giving the impression of being short. Topline slightly arched, clearly highlighting the passage from the skull to the back of the neck. Throat provided with dewlaps.

  • TRUNK:  Strong, wide and deep, covered in thick, loose fur. Chest longer than abdomen.

Topline: Withers sloping, open, due to the spread of the shoulder blades, and slightly lower than the croup. After the withers, the topline changes direction, ascending to the croup, without any tendency to saddle or carpal.

Flanks:  Less long and less deep than the thorax, showing the separation of its integral regions. In females, the flank flaps are more developed. Seen from above, it is less wide and full than the chest and croup, however, without marking the waist.


Croup: Angled at approximately 30º with the horizontal; wide, long, outlining a smooth curve. Slightly higher than the withers. Viewed from behind, the croup should be broad, approximately equal in width to the thorax, and may be even wider in females.


Chest : Well sprung ribs, without, however, influencing the position of the shoulders; chest broad and deep, reaching the point of the elbow. Pectorals (chest) well protruding.


Bottom line: Chest long and parallel to the ground, along its entire length. Belly gently rising, never tucked up.

TAIL:  Very wide root, medium set, tapering quickly, with the tip reaching the hock level. When the dog is excited, it rises, accentuating the curve of the end. It must not fall on its back or curl up.



PREVIOUS :  The length of the leg, from the ground to the elbow, should be half the height from the ground to the withers.  

Shoulders: Structured by two bones of equal size (scapula and humerus), and the scapula makes 45º with the horizontal and approximately 90º with the humerus. The scapulohumeral joint, which forms the tip of the shoulder, is situated at the same level and slightly behind the tip of the sternum. Ideally, the shoulder should occupy the space from the withers to the sternum, and the point of the shoulder should be situated at mid-point of this distance. A perpendicular, lowered by the withers, must cross the elbow and fall on the paw.

Arms: Parallel, powerfully boned and straight.

Carpals:  Strong and apparent.

Metacarpals:  Short, slightly sloping.

Pa TAS:  Formed by strong, well-arched toes, not too close together, supported on thick toes and contouring wide, deep, thick plantar pads. In their correct position, the fingers should point forward. Strong, dark nails, which can be white when that is the color of the respective finger.

HINDQUARTERS : Strong boned, slightly lighter than the forequarters, but should never appear thin in relation to the whole. The hind legs are parallel.

Thighs:  Wide, with a domed contour, formed by the muscles that descend from the ilium and ischium, which outline the curve of the buttock, which is why an ischium of good length is required


Tarsi: Strong.

Metatarsals :  Slightly inclined, higher than the pasterns. Angulation of the knee and hock, moderate.

Paws:  Same as above, just a little more oval. They must not present ergots.

  • DRIVE :  Broad, elastic strides, reminiscent of those of felines. The main characteristic is the movement of the two limbs, on the same side, to then move those on the other (camel step); which gives it swaying movements, with lateral balance of the chest and hips, accentuated in the tail, when it is raised. In the stride, the head is carried below the line of the back. Easy, smooth, free trot, with long strides, with good reach and performance. Powerful gallop, reaching speed unsuspected in dogs of such size and weight. The movement of the Fila Brasileiro is always influenced by its joints, typical of the molossoid, which, effectively, allows sudden and rapid changes of direction.

  • SKIN:  It represents one of the most important racial characteristics. It is thick, loose throughout the body, especially on the neck, where pronounced dewlaps are formed, extending, in many cases, to the chest and abdomen. Some specimens have a fold on the sides of the head and also on the withers, going down to the shoulder. With the dog at rest, the head is unwrinkled; when excited, in contraction to lift the ears, the skin of the skull forms, between them, small longitudinal wrinkles.

  • COAT

Coat : Formed of low, soft, thick and well laid-back coat.

  • COLOR:  The colors brindle, gold, bay and black are allowed, and may have a black mask. In all permitted colors, white markings are allowed on the paws, chest and tip of the tail. Undesirable white spots on the rest of the coat.

SIZE : Males: 65 to 75 cm.

            Females: 60 to 70 cm.


WEIGHT:  Males:  minimum of 50 kg.

       females:  minimum of 40 kg.

  • FAULTS  

Any deviation from the terms of this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well being of the dog.  

• Any disproportionate, exaggerated characteristic that may interfere with physical activity or work ability.
• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.



• Males must have both testicles, of normal appearance, well let down and accommodated in the scrotum.

• Only clinically and functionally healthy dogs with typical breed conformation should be used for breeding.

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