american foxhound

HISTORICAL SUMMARY: is breed in dogs originating from United States. Breed used for hunting, it is known that its ancestors were imported from Europe since 1650, brought by Robert Brooke[. However, it was not until 1770 that the breed began to be established under the name of Virginia hound. Physically, it is considered lighter and faster than a English foxhound, as well as commonly having a different diet than some others canids.
Country of Origin : United States of America
skull : wide and full
Stop : moderately defined
Muzzle: Of good length, straight and square in shape.
eyes : Large, set well apart, tender as a hound; kind and pleading expression. Brown or hazelnut in color.
Ears : Set on moderately low, long, reaching tip of nose when stretched; fine textured; rather broad, lacking erectile strength; close fitting to the head, with the front edges slightly turned towards the cheeks; rounded ends.
NECK : Rising freely and slightly from the shoulders; quite substantial, without being heavy; of medium length. Dry in the throat and free from dewlap. However, a slight wrinkle below the angle of the jaw is allowed.
Back: Strong, muscular and straight
Loin: Broad and slightly arched.
chest : It should be deep to make room for the lungs, but narrow in relation to the depth, when compared to the English Foxhound, 71 cm in girth is considered good in a dog of 58 cm in height.
Ribs: Well sprung; the last ribs should extend well back.
flanks : A 7.6 cm sidewall provides elasticity.
TAIL: Moderately high set; carried cheerfully, with a slight curve, but not over the back; with a light brush coat.
PREVIOUS : Straight, with good bone.
Shoulders : Leaning, well defined, muscular, neither heavy nor coarse, demonstrating freedom of movement with activity and strength.
Metacarpals : Short and straight.
Paws : Similar to the fox. Well-arched toes, strong nails, full, hard pads.
Hips and Thighs: Strong and muscular, demonstrating great propulsion power
Knees : Strong and well let down.
Paws : Closed and firm.
By : Closed; typical Hound hard coat; of medium length.
Any color
SIZE : Males 56 cm to 63.5 cm
females 53 cm to 61 cm
Any deviation from the terms of this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well being of the dog. especially:
• Skull too flat, top narrow, excessively domed.
• Roman or upturned nose, giving a dish-faced expression.
• Muzzle long and pointed, falling abruptly below the eyes or too short.
• Small, sharp eyes like a terrier; or prominent and protruding.
• Ears short, set high or with a tendency to rise above set. • Thick, short, heavy neck, carried at shoulder level. Throat with dewlap or folds of skin. • Back too long, sealed or ruffled.
• Flat, narrow loin.
• Chest too wide or not deep enough.
• Flat ribs.
• Long tail. Curved in the shape of a kettle or slanted forward from the root. Mouse tail. Complete absence of brush hair.
• Crooked forelegs.
• Straight shoulders.
• Elbows out.
• Carpus curved forward or angled backwards.
• Cow hocks or straight hocks.
• Long paws, open or flat.
• Lack of musculature and propulsion power.
• Short, fine or soft quality coat.
• Aggressiveness or excessive shyness.
• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.
• Males must have both testicles, of normal appearance, well let down and accommodated in the scrotum.
• Only clinically and functionally healthy dogs with typical breed conformation should be used for breeding.