Labrador Retriever
GENERAL APPEARANCE : Gentle, intelligent and familiar from Canada being one of the most popular breeds in the world. This versatile hunting breed comes in three colors - yellow, black and chocolate - and because of their desire to please their master, they excel as guide dogs for the blind, as part of search and rescue teams or narcotics detection. with law enforcement.
Personality: Friendly and outgoing.
Energy Level : Very Active.
Good with children: Yes.
Good with other dogs: With supervision.
Grooming: Seasonal.
Life Expectancy : 10-12 years old.
Bark Level: Bark when needed.
The Labrador Retriever, despite its name, did not come from Labrador, but from Newfoundland. The area was populated with small water dogs, which, when bred with Newfoundlands, produced a breed referred to as the St. John's Water Dog, a prototype for the Labrador. of today.
Country of Origin: Great Britain.
BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT: Kind, outgoing and approachable in nature; eager to please and not aggressive towards man or animal. Labrador conquers people for your mode gentle, intelligence and adaptability what makes him an ideal dog. Aggression towards humans or other animals, or any evidence of shyness in an adult, should be severely penalized.
Skull: The skull should be wide; well developed, but without exaggeration. The skull and muzzle must be on parallel planes and of approximately equal length, the eyebrow slightly pronounced so that the skull is not absolutely straight with the nose. The skull may show some midline; the occipital bone is not visible in mature dogs. .
Stop : Moderate.
Snout: Neither long nor narrow nor short and stocky.
Truffle: Must be black in black or yellow dogs, and brown in chocolates. the color of the truffle that fades to a lighter shade is not a fault. A nose that is completely pink or lacking in any pigment is a disqualification.
Jaws and Teeth: The teeth should be strong and even with a scissor bite; the lower teeth just behind, but touching the inner side of the upper incisors. A level bite is acceptable, but not desirable. Teeth not reached, exceeded or misaligned are serious faults. Full dentition is preferred. Missing molars or premolars are serious faults.
Lips: Should not be drawn back or pendulous, but fall in a curve towards the throat.
Expression: Intelligent and alert.
Eyes: Medium size, set wide apart; neither protruding nor deep. Eye color should be brown in black and yellow Labradors, and brown or hazel in chocolates. Small eyes close together or prominent round eyes are not typical of the breed. The edges of the eyes are black in black and yellow Labradors; and brown in chocolates.
Ears : The ears should hang moderately close to the head, well apart and slightly below the skull; slightly above eye level. Ears should not be large and heavy, but in proportion to the skull and reach the inside of the eye when pulled forward.
NECK : The neck must be of adequate length to allow the dog to regain play easily. must be muscular and irritation free. The neck should rise strongly to the shoulders with a moderate arch. A short thick neck or a "sheep" neck is incorrect.
Topline: The back is strong and the topline is level from withers to croup when standing or moving. However, the loin must show evidence of flexibility for athletic exertion.
Back: Well developed.
TAIL: The tail is a distinctive feature of the breed. It should be very thick at the base, tapering gradually towards the point, of medium length, and extending no further than the hock. The tail should be free of fringes and dressed in full thickness with the Labrador's short, dense coat, thus possessing that peculiar rounded appearance which has been described as the "otter's" tail. The tail should follow the topline at rest or when in motion. It can be carried happily, but it shouldn't curl around your back. Extremely short tails or long, thin tails are serious flaws. The tail completes the Labrador's balance, giving it a flowing line from the top of the head to the tip of the tail. Fitting or altering the length or natural carriage of the tail is a disqualification.
Arms: When viewed from the front, the legs should be straight with good strong bone. Too much bone is just as undesirable as too little bone, and short-legged, heavy-boned individuals are not typical of the breed.
Elbows: Viewed from the side, the elbows should be directly under the withers, and the front legs should be perpendicular to the ground and well under the body. Elbows should be close to ribs without slack. Stuck elbows or "in the elbows" interfere with free movement and are serious faults.
Feet: Round; cat feet.
Hocks: The hock joints are strong, well let down and will not slip or hyper-extend while moving or standing.
Paws : The feet are strong and compact, with well-arched toes and well-developed round pads; cat feet.
GAIT/MOVEMENT: The Labrador Retriever's movement should be free and effortless. When watching a dog move towards itself, there should be no sign of elbows out. Instead, the elbows should be held neatly to the body, with the legs not too close together. Moving forward without walking or weaving, the legs should form straight lines, with all parts moving in the same plane. When viewing the dog from the rear, one should have the impression that the hind legs move as closely as possible in a parallel line with the front legs. The hocks should do their integral part of the job, flexing well, giving the appearance of power and strength. When viewed from the side, the shoulders should move freely and effortlessly, and the front leg should approach the floor with extension. A short, choppy movement or high knee action indicates a straight shoulder; paddling indicates long and weak pasterns; and a short, high rear gear indicates a straight rear assembly; all are serious faults. Motion glitches interfering with performance, including weaving; side winding; crossing; high knee action; paddling; and short, jerky movements should be severely penalized.
By : It should be short, straight and very dense. The Labrador must have a soft, weather-resistant undercoat that provides protection from water, cold and all types of ground cover. A slight wave at the back is allowed. By the woolly coats, soft silk coats and fur Scarce smoothness is not typical of the breed and should be severely penalized.
COLOR: Black, yellow and chocolate. Any other color or color combination is a disqualification. A small white patch on the chest is permissible but not desirable. black they are all black. A black with brindle markings or a black with brown spots is a disqualification. Yellows can range in color from fox-red to light cream, with variations in shading on the dog's ears, back, and undersides. chocolates can vary in shade from light to dark chocolate. Chocolate with brindle or tan marks is a disqualification.
SIZE: Males: 56 to 57 cm. Females: 54 to 56 cm.
Any deviation from this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well-being of the dog.
• Aggressiveness or excessive shyness.
• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.
• Atypical dogs.