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Gaucho sheep


It is the gaucho's dog, faithful and inseparable companion. Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), with its vast territorial extension, has always been a favorable place for agriculture. Since the remote beginning of the settlement, when the Amerindians, the first Spanish and Portuguese adventurers, began to roam the immensity of the pampa, the fields were enriched due to the large herds of horses coming from some horses and mares that were saved from a shipwreck, in 1512, and to the valuable herds of cattle, coming mainly from the Jesuit reductions. Sheep farming also began to have a great influence on the local economy. To assist in the care of the herds, dogs began to be used with great acceptance. As they are descendants of herding dogs, they have great qualities required in dealing with delicate sheep, but they also know how to command a herd of cattle when necessary. The gaucho learned to value his inseparable companion, as two or three dogs and a farmhand can, alone, take care of grazing a flock. On certain properties, the pawn is hired according to the sheep dog he owns.  The Ovelheiro Gaúcho is a dog directly linked to the work of the field, with the mission of accompanying the pawn in its rural work, performing the function of leading the sheep, looking for them in the field and taking them to pens and pickets. Keeping them and protecting them from other animals and even dogs and unknown people are also functions of this breed. When at work, when transferring the sheep from the pasture, he travels alongside the flock or behind, leading them, then returning to the rear to check for stragglers and those that may have strayed from the flock, in order to keep them together. . When the herd settles, the dogs lie down in a guard position. In the work routine, on farms, it is very common to do all the work alone, even without the company of the farmhand. We can add that the gaucho sheepman works not only with sheep, but also with any type of herd. In the pampa gaucho, when you hire a farmhand, it is essential that he knows how to deal with dogs. A good sheepman easily replaces three men, and a pawn without a dog is worth half a pawn.

Country of Origin: Brazil.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: Of medium size and structure, with a not too long coat, it has great resistance, agility and rusticity.

BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT:   Easy to adapt to meet the commands, without being aggressive with the herd. Docile and friendly with the people with whom he lives.


HEAD :  Of medium size, proportionate to the body. Viewed from above, it has a triangular shape.


skull :  1:1 skull-to-snout ratio

Stop : Moderate.



Snout:  Strong and straight.

Truffle:  Black in black and white, and may be lighter in golden fur. And, in merles, it can present partial depigmentation.

Lips:  Lip commissure dry, well pigmented, dark, according to coat color.


Jaws and Teeth:  Scissor bite.

Eyes: Almond, preferably dark; in merles, there can be one eye of 2 colors or even one eye of each color.

Ears : High set, triangular, tall, erect, semi-erect or button-shaped pendant.

NECK : Strong and without throatiness.


Top Line: Well defined.

Back: Strong and firm. Topline slightly raised on loin.

Loin: Short and slightly rounded croup.

Chest : Deep and broad chest.

Bottom line:  Slightly tucked up.

TAIL:  Thick at the root, set high, carried low, may curl at the end, with long coat on the underside. When at work, it can be raised above the back line.



PREVIOUS :  Straight, parallel, firm, hare feet, with strong digits.

HINDQUARTERS : With good drive, well angulated and short hocks.

  • DRIVE :  Great locomotion potential with long and flowing strides.

  • COAT

Hair : Must be adapted to weather and climate change. Medium and abundant hair. Thinner coat on elbows and hocks.  

  • COLOR:  All colors are accepted.

SIZE : 55 to 65 cm.

  • FAULTS  

Any deviation from the terms of this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well being of the dog.  

• Any disproportionate, exaggerated characteristic that may interfere with physical activity or work ability.
• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.



• Males must have both testicles, of normal appearance, well let down and accommodated in the scrotum.

• Only clinically and functionally healthy dogs with typical breed conformation should be used for breeding.

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