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Mantiqueira Shepherd


With origins in the Serra da Mantiqueira, the Mantiqueira Shepherd Dog, known as Policialzinho (preferred way of being called), comes to add with great help the management with sheep and cattle in particular, since this mountain, many times, has a difficult access. making the work of the pawn difficult.

These dogs emerged over time from crosses between dogs brought by European immigrants, the Police, so it is also known as Policialzinho, and in order to get good allies in the fight, they were fine-tuning the breed with crosses only between the best of herding, thus having dogs rustic, agile, resistant and disease free. Animals that were not fit for work were neutered and used for company and home guard, so we must keep it to this day.     


Country of Origin: Brazil.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: Well proportioned, with a smooth silhouette revealing quality, grace and perfect balance, combining with enough substance to give an impression of agility and resistance. Presence of rusticity. Any tendency to debility is undesirable.

BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT:  Hard-working, smart, alert, responsible, intelligent, courageous, agile, resilient and good-sense shepherd.  


HEAD :  


skull :  With median width, occipital not pronounced.

Stop : Well marked.



Snout:  Tapering triangular, moderately short and robust. Muzzle slightly smaller than skull.

Truffle:  Well-developed nostrils, preferably with black pigmentation in black and blue dogs and as dark as possible in white, brown dogs and their variations, but never admitting total or partial depigmentation.

Jaws and Teeth:  Strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, ie the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth and are set square to the jaws.

Eyes: Set well apart, oval in shape and medium in size; black in color  or brown, expression smooth, smart, cheerful, alert and intelligent.

Ears : Of medium texture and size, triangular, set apart. Erect shutters. Hearing very sensitive.

NECK : Of good length, robust and muscular, slightly arched, thickening towards the shoulders.


Top Line: Well defined.

Back: Long, muscular, straight and strong.

Withers: High and strong.

Loin: Deep and muscular without being tucked up.

Chest : Deep.

TAIL:  Moderately long, giving the dog a graceful contour and balance. The tail may be raised in a state of excitement, never carried over the back.



PREVIOUS :  Seen from the front, parallel. Proportional bone, strong without being heavy.

Shoulders: Well angulated.


Elbows:  They work close and parallel to the chest.

Metacarpals:  Viewed in profile, pasterns slightly inclined.

Paws:  Oval in shape, thick, robust and healthy plantar and toe pads, well arched and compact digits. Short, strong nails.


HINDQUARTERS : Broad, muscular, seen in profile, the croup is slightly sloping towards the root of the tail.

Thighs: Long, deep and muscular.


Knees: Well angulated.


Hocks :  Short and robust. Viewed from behind, the hocks are well boned and parallel.

  • GAIT / MOVEMENT : Fluent, smooth and tireless, with minimal lifting of the paws, giving the impression of ability to move with great propulsion and speed.

  • COAT

By: Variable length, ranging from long to short, with Lisa or curly coat, in both, the coat is dense and medium textured, undercoat soft and dense giving good weather protection.

  • COLOR:  The variety of colors is allowed: Black, white and Azulega and their color graduations, ranging from white to light yellow, also allowing for red and charcoal fawn and their variations.

SIZE : Height at the withers up to: males 53 cm; females, slightly smaller. (Variations may occur as long as they do not harm the dog at work).


WEIGHT: With a maximum ideal weight of 25 kg, so as not to compromise the agility of the animal.

  • FAULTS  

Any deviation from the terms of this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well being of the dog.  

• Any disproportionate, exaggerated characteristic that may interfere with physical activity or work ability.
• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.



• Males must have both testicles, of normal appearance, well let down and accommodated in the scrotum.

• Only clinically and functionally healthy dogs with typical breed conformation should be used for breeding.

International Recognition:


non-profit entity

CNPJ 26.249.262/0001-88


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