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GENERAL APPEARANCE:  That of a very active, intelligent and elegant dog, square in appearance, well proportioned, moving with elegance and pride. Correctly shorn and carefully groomed, the Poodle exudes an air of distinction and peculiar dignity.

Personality: Proud, active and very intelligent.

Energy Level: Very active, they are enthusiastic walkers, runners and swimmers. They are always looking forward to all kinds of activities, and they like to keep busy.

Good with children:  Yes.

Good with other dogs:  With supervision.

Grooming:  Daily.


Life expectancy: 10-18 years.

Bark Level: Bark when needed.


Of French origin it was used for hunting aquatic birds. He is a descendant of Barbet. It became very popular as a companion dog for being a friendly, loyal and playful dog.

Country of Origin: France.


BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT:  Proud, very active, intelligent, recognized for his faithfulness, able to learn and be trained, which makes him a particularly pleasant companion dog.


HEAD: Rectilinear, proportional to the trunk. The head must be refined, without being heavy, but also without excessive refinement.


Skull:  The skull, seen from above, has an oval and profile aspect, slightly rounded. Its width is less than half the length of the head.


Stop: Slightly pronounced, but never absent.



Muzzle: Long, straight and refined, with slight chiseling under the eyes. 

Truffle:  Black nose in black, white and gray specimens; brown, in brown specimens. In red specimens, the truffle may be brown or black according to the intensity of the color. For the apricot colored specimens, the truffle should be as dark as possible to black.

Jaws and Teeth:  Scissor bite. White and strong teeth.


Lips:  Moderately developed, quite dry and of medium thickness.


Expression:  Smart and alert.

Eyes:  Dark, oval-shaped, spaced apart and positioned to create a smart, alert expression.

Ears: Hanging close to the head, fitted, set below the corner of the eye. The ear leather is long, broad and densely feathered, however the ear hair should not be excessively long.

NECK:  Neck well proportioned, strong and long enough to allow the head to be
carried tall and with dignity. The neck is born of strong and smoothly muscular shoulders.


Top Line:  Level and firm.

Back:  Well developed.

TAIL:  As straight as possible, set high, level with the topline.




Arms:  Straight and parallel. The height from the elbow to the ground is slightly higher than the height from the withers to the elbow.

Shoulders: Oblique and muscular. Scapula-humeral angulation of approximately 110°.  


Paws:  The feet are quite small, oval in shape with the toes well arched and cushioned in firm, thick pads. The feet do not turn in or out.


Hocks:  Hock short and parallel.

Legs:  The legs are long and parallel when viewed from the side, well angled and set well below the body to allow for a long stride.

Paws:  The feet are quite small, oval in shape with the toes well arched and cushioned in firm, thick pads. The feet do not turn in or out.

MOVEMENT:  Elastic and light movement.


SKIN: Flexible, without sagging, pigmented. Black, brown, grey, apricot and red poodles should have a pigmentation that matches their coat color. For whites, the ideal skin is silver.



curly:  Fine in texture, wooly and dense, naturally rough to the touch.

Corded: Fine in texture, woolly and dense. Worked and separated forming not very thin cords of various lengths over the body.

COLOR:  Black, white, brown, grey, red and apricot. Uniform and solid. In greys, browns, reds and apricots, the coat can have several shades of the same color (light tones to dark tones).


SIZE:  They have four size varieties.

Large: 45 cm to 60 cm.

Medium: 35 cm to 45 cm.

Thumbnail: 28 cm to 35 cm

Toy:  Above 24 cm (minus 1 cm tolerance) up to 28 cm.


Any deviation from this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well-being of the dog.  



• Aggressiveness or excessive shyness.

• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.

• Atypical dogs.

• Lack of typicality, particularly in the head, notoriously reflecting a contribution of blood from another race.

• Copies exceeding 62 cm for Large Poodles and less than 23 cm for Toy Poodles.

• Absence of tail or short tail.

• “Ergo” or “ergo” marks on hind limbs. 

• Any specimen that shows signs of “dwarfism”: globose skull, absence of occipital crest, very marked “stop”, prominent eyes, very short and upturned snout.

• Median sulcus practically non-existent.

• Very light bone in Toy Poodles.

• Tail carried fully curled.

• A specimen whose coat is not unicolor.

• White spots on the body and/or on the feet for all non-white specimens.

• Totally depigmented nose.

• Upper or lower prognathism

International Recognition:


non-profit entity

CNPJ 26.249.262/0001-88


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