Brazilian terrier
The ancestors of the Brazilian Terrier are not originally from Brazil. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, many young Brazilians studied at European universities, especially in France and England. These young men often returned married and their wives brought with them a small terrier-type dog. Young Brazilians and their families returned to the farms where they had left. The puppy adapted to farm life and mated with local dogs and bitches. Thus, a new type was formed and the phenotype was fixed in a few generations. With the development of large cities, farmers, with their families and employees were attracted to large urban centers. In this way the little dog underwent another change of environment.
Country of Origin: Brazil.
GENERAL APPEARANCE: Medium-sized, slender, well-balanced dog with a firm but not too heavy frame, square-looking body with sharp curved lines that differentiates it from the straight, Smooth-haired Fox Terrier.
BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT: Tireless, alert, active and smart; friendly and kind to friends, suspicious of strangers.
HEAD : Viewed from above, the head is triangular in shape, wider at the base, with ears well apart, narrowing sharply from the eyes to the tip of the nose. Viewed in profile, the topline is slightly ascending from the nose to the stop, mainly between the eyes, arching to the occipital bone.
skull : Rounded with a slightly flat forehead. Its lateral lines, seen from above, converge towards the eyes. The distance from the outer corner of the eye to the insertion of the ears is equal to the distance between the outer corners of both eyes. The sagittal sulcus is well developed.
Stop : Pronounced.
Snout: Seen from above, it forms an isosceles triangle from the outer corners of the eyes to the tip of the nose; strong and well chiseled below the eyes with a slope at the base of the muzzle, accentuating the stop.
Truffle: Moderately developed dark in color and wide nostrils .
Lips: Dry and firm, the upper lip fits over the lower one, covering the teeth, allowing the mouth to close completely.
Jaws and Teeth: 42 teeth, regularly implanted and well developed with a scissor bite.
Eyes: Set equidistant between the occipital protuberance and the tip of the nose, well apart, the distance between the two external tips of the eyes is equal to the distance between the external tip of the eye and the tip of the nose. Forward-directed, moderately prominent, large and with slightly accentuated brows. Rounded, wide open, alive, with an intelligent expression; as dark as possible. The blue variety has bluish gray eyes; the brown variety has brown, green, or blue eyes and the isabela variety, in addition to the colors mentioned for the brown variety, also has amber eyes, from light to dark.
Ears : Set on laterally, in line with the eyes, well separated from each other, leaving good space for the skull. Triangular in shape with a pointed end; Carried semi-erect, with the bent tip towards the outer corner of the eye. The ears are not operated.
NECK : Of moderate length, proportionate to the head, implanted harmoniously to the head and trunk. Well defined and dry; with the top line slightly curved.
Back: Relatively short and well muscled.
Withers: Well pronounced and harmoniously connected to the forelegs. Topline: Firm and straight, slightly rising from the withers to the croup.
Croup: Slightly sloping, low-set tail. Well developed and muscular.
Loin: Short and firm, harmoniously linked to the croup.
Chest : Long and deep, reaching the level of the elbows. The sternum connects to the well sprung ribs; being horizontal, the sternum is moderately arched.
Bottom Line and Belly: Slightly curved, ascending towards the hindquarters, but not tucked up as in the Whippet.
Forechest : Slightly pronounced, moderately wide, allowing free movement of the forelegs.
TAIL: In the country of origin, usually cropped, but may be naturally short or long; in the latter case, it cannot go beyond the hocks. Set on low, short, cut at junction between 2nd and 3rd caudal vertebrae.
PREVIOUS : Viewed from the front, straight, moderately set apart, but in line with the hindquarters which are also straight, but further apart.
Shoulders: Long, angled between 110° and 120°.
Paws: Compact, neither turned in nor out. The two middle fingers are longer.
Arms: Approximately the same length as the scapula. Elbows: Placed close to the body, at the same level as the underline of the chest.
HINDQUARTERS : Strongly muscled, thighs well developed, legs in proportion to the thighs. High hocks with obtuse angulation.
Thighs: Well developed and muscular.
Legs: Proportional to thighs.
Hocks: Obtuse angulation heights.
Paws : Compact, longer than the front ones.
DRIVE : Stylish, free, fast and short moving.
By : Short, smooth, fine without being fluffy, close to the skin, like mouse hair. You cannot see the skin through the fur. Thinner on the head, ears, lower neck, inner and lower limbs, and back of thighs.
COLOR: Predominantly white background color with black, blue, brown or isabela markings. The following typical and characteristic markings should always be present: brown above the eyes, on both sides of the muzzle and on the inner face and edges of the ears. These markings can extend to other regions of the body as a transition between the markings. The head must always have markings in black, blue, brown or isabela, in the frontal region and ears. White bands or markings are allowed, preferably in the frontal furrow and on the sides of the muzzle, distributed as harmoniously as possible.
SIZE : Males: from 35 to 40 cm Females: from 33 to 38 cm.
WEIGHT: Approximately 10kg
Any deviation from the terms of this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well being of the dog.
• Any disproportionate, exaggerated characteristic that could interfere with physical activity or work ability.
• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.
• Males must present both testicles, of normal appearance, well let down and accommodated in the scrotum.
• Only clinically and functionally healthy dogs with typical breed conformation should be used for breeding.