Pampeano Deer

Present in Brazil, evidently, since the beginning of the 19th century. It is found in several geographic regions of Brazil, mainly in Rio Grande do Sul. They are used for tracking and trapping fur animals. The work of these dogs requires them to have a calm group behavior, as they hunt individually or in groups.
Country of Origin: Brazil.
GENERAL APPEARANCE: Rustic; of medium size, rectangular, the square is not desired because it is inadequate for the performance of its function.
BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT: Obedient to the owner. It is an expert hunter and performs its task out of sight of its owner or driver. He is aloof with strangers, but allows approach without being fearful or aggressive. Easy to get along with children. Excessive aggression must be punished.
HEAD : Grayoidal in shape, the length being greater than the width of the skull.
skull : Mesatocephalic, triangular, somewhat elongated.
Stop : Not very pronounced, but always present.
Snout: Of equal length to the skull; rectilinear; the Roman nose being admissible.
Truffle: Flesh color, brown or black.
Jaws and Teeth: Strong, with a scissor bite; complete dental arches, and the lack of incisors, canines or molars should be penalized. Pincer bite is permissible. Undershot or overshot must be penalized.
Eyes: Almond-shaped, hazel in any hue, greenish color being admitted. Blue eyes are undesirable.
Ears : Whole, pointed, set on laterally, carried in pink and erect when attentive.
NECK : Strong, having the same length from the occiput to the tip of the nose. The presence of dewlap is undesirable.
Topline: Slightly descending from withers to croup. Admissible specimens with a level top line.
Back: Firm.
Chest : Long thorax
TAIL: Integrity; of median insertion; the length must not exceed the top of the hocks. Low cover; short coat. When very excited, they can carry the tail slightly above the line of the back.
PREVIOUS : Shoulders angled more than 90°; parallels; hare's feet; dark or white nails; thick and strong pads; the presence of ergots is admissible.
HINDQUARTERS : Muscular and good angulation; short hocks; well-defined paws; well arched digits; thick and strong pads. The presence of single or double lifters is desirable.
MOVEMENT: Must be fluent and with wide strides. When trotting, it can raise the tail above the line of the back.
Hair : Must be short, straight, dense and rough; has no undercoat.
COLOR: Its color can vary from white to leonine yellow (dark bay), solid or may have a stain of one of these colors. The presence of a white collar and white spot on the chest and paws is allowed.
SIZE/WEIGHT : Height and weight proportionate to form and function. Females and males situated between 47cm and 59cm. 1cm up or down is acceptable.
Any deviation from the terms of this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well being of the dog.
• Any disproportionate, exaggerated characteristic that may interfere with physical activity or work ability.
• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.
• Males must have both testicles, of normal appearance, well let down and accommodated in the scrotum.
• Only clinically and functionally healthy dogs with typical breed conformation should be used for breeding.